What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the therapies of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with a written history in China of 2000 years but dating back before recorded history. It is currently used by a quarter of the world’s population, mostly in Asia, and its popularity is growing rapidly in the west as scientific trials prove its efficacy. Acupuncture consists of the insertion of extremely fine needles into specific points to regulate the systems of the body and alleviate pain.
Acupuncture is used along with herbal medicine and dietary therapy to help the patient heal naturally and completely.
Does acupuncture hurt?
When administered by a skilled professional it should not hurt. The hair-thin needles are NOT to be compared with the thick hypodermic syringes used for shots. The insertion feels like a tug on a body hair. After the needle is inserted their may be a feeling of tingling, a sensation of something moving, a warm feeling, etc. Many find it to be a very enjoyable experience.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes. The acupuncture needle is an extremely fine, disposable (single-use), sterile, FDA approved medical device. A licensed acupuncturist has undergone years of training in its safe implementation.
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What should I expect from my first acupuncture treatment?
The first treatment is my opportunity to get to know you better; I will complete a detailed intake in order to learn more about your symptoms and how they many be interrelated. Many conditions may be alleviated very rapidly by acupuncture and herbs; however, some conditions which have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow, steady progress. As in any form of healing, the patient’s attitude, diet, determination and life style will affect the outcome of a course of treatment. Oriental Medicine is also an educational process in which the patient becomes more aware of his or her own body, thus increasing its ability to maintain well-being.
Although there are techniques in Oriental Medicine for healing most conditions, there are medical circumstances which can be dealt with more effectively by Western medicine. In such cases, your acupuncturist will recommend that you contact a physician. As is the case in China, acupuncture should be seen as complementary to Western medicine.
How many treatments will I need?
Depending on the nature, severity and duration of the complaint, the course of treatment will vary. Most problems can be fixed quickly, while more chronic conditions may be relieved only with time and effort. The speed of progress with long-standing chronic issues is much determined by the patients willingness to live and eat well in conjunction with the treatment.
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What about insurance coverage?
We accept many types of health insurance. Daniel is a preferred provider credentialed with the following insurance panels:
- HealthWays Whole Health Network
- American Specialty Health Network
- Optum Health Network
- Premera
- First Choice Health Network
What methods of payment are accepted?
Our office accepts cash, checks, Visa, and Mastercard. If you have any more questions concerning our payment policies, please contact our office directly at or
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How much do treatment sessions cost?
The time of service cash discount for initial consultation, exam, and acupuncture treatment is $120 and all subsequent visits are $75. Care plan packages are available with affordable monthly payments offered.
How much do smoking cessation treatments cost?
The time of service discount for Auricular (Ear) Detox/Smoking Cessation sessions are $80. However acupuncture smoking cessation is best utilized in a treatment protocol. It is recommended that you schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation to allow the practitioner to determine your individual needs.
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How can I write a testimonial?
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